Programs | TI-82 | TI-83| TI-83+ | TI-85| TI-86 | TI-89 | Ports | Routines | Misc | Levels |
8x8 Tile Map Routine | by Harper Maddox |
mapdemo.h |
A tilemap routine that uses 8x8 sprites, which cover the full screen (an area of 8x12 tiles). Scrolls one tile (8 pixels) at a time. This should be the easiest tilemap routine to implement in your game. This same routine was used in Chicken Shoot. |
12x12 Tile Map Routine | by Harper Maddox |
tilemap.h |
An advanced dual buffered tilemap routine that uses 12x12 sprites, which cover the full screen (5+ rows by 8+ columns) and scrolls one pixel at a time. The routine allows faster scrolling, since the second buffer is only replaced every time the map becomes aligned (ie. a multiple of 12). The only drawback to this routine is that 1300 bytes are used up to make the second buffer, thus this is optimized for speed not size. |
How to animate a tilemap | by Harper Maddox |
bg_animation.txt | description of how to animate the tiles on a tilemap |
Find Tile | by Harper Maddox |
findTile.txt | How to find the tile ID for a point (perhaps where your character is at) in a tilemap. |
3x4 Font | by Harper Maddox |
font.h | A very small, but spiffy font that I use in the Galaxy Game Demo. This also includes routines to display numbers with this font. The code that I used within this should provide enough information for you to design your own font. |
ChangeChar v1.0 EditString v1.0 | by Wouter Demuynck | | A routine that allows you to edit strings with a given length or single characters. It's really simple to use. It is also used in Attrib. This routine works in CrASH v1.1+ |
D_ZC_STR | by Kouri Rosenberg | | D_ZC_STR stands for Display_Zero-terminated_Custom-font_String. Included in the .zip are several routines to display strings or characters of a fixed-width, 4x6 pixel font, and two sample fonts. These routines were used in TxtView. |
String Input Routine | by Harper Maddox |
input.h | This routine allows you to read in keypresses as a string. I used this in Jumble, Punchout, and Memory. |
Menu Routine v1.2 | by Wouter Demuynck | | A routine that allows you to make menus in a simple way. The menus are like the CrASH and Ash menus, but they also scroll down. It is the menu routine used in Attrib. This routine works in CrASH v1.1+ |
8 Bit Division Routine | by Harper Maddox |
divhbyl.h | Divides register H by register L, keeps result in E, and provides a remainder in register A. It is a fairly small routine and it is quick. |
Invert Screen | by Harper Maddox |
invert.txt | Short code used to invert the screen |
Line Drawing Routine | by Harper Maddox |
line.h |
Draws a line to the graph buffer without using any rom calls. Uses Bresham's line drawing algorithm, and requires an 8 bit division routine, so the above routine I made is included. This routine quickly draws a line from BC to DE, where B and C are X-Coordinates and C and E are Y-Coordinates. I decided to take out the logic to flip these around, so B must < D. |
Lists | by Harper Maddox |
list.txt | Shows how to take a variable from a list. |
LDIR | by Harper Maddox |
ldir.txt | Explanation of what LDIR, a common ASM opcode does. I show what it does with another piece of ASM code. |
Register Pairs | by Harper Maddox |
regPairs.txt | Short tutorial on how register pairs (such as DE,HL) work. |
Register Pairs 2 | by Harper Maddox |
HLintoDE.txt | How to store a register pair (BC,DE,HL) into a dynamic memory address(ie. address stored in HL or DE). |