Programs | TI-82 | TI-83 | TI-83+ | TI-85 | TI-86 | TI-89 | PORTS | Routines | Misc | Levels |
Ports | TI-82 | TI-83 | TI-83+ | TI-85 | TI-86 | TI-89 |
BoulderDash v1.1 [ASH] | By: Jimmy Mårdell Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | The objective of BoulderDash is to search throughout each CAVE and collect as many Jewels in as short a time as possible. Once the indicated amount of Jewels have been collected, the door to the mysterious escape tunnel is revealed and you go to the next cave. Strategy and planning will help you master the "physics" of BoulderDash. Boulders drop predictably enough, but you and Rockford also have to block growing Amoebas, transform Butterflies, outmaneuver Fireflies, and overcome other numerous obstacles. Jimmy Mårdell said that this was his greatest programming accomplishment for the TI calculators (not Ztetris). |
DStar v2.55 [CrASH] | By: Joe Wingbermuehle Port: Ahmed El-Helw |
![]() | The object of this challenging puzzle game is to move the dark ball around and get the white balls, but you must move all the way to the next wall with every move. |
DuckHunt v1.2 [ASH] [CrASH] | By: Andrew Ungvarsky Port: Ahmed El-Helw |
![]() | It's the old Nintendo classic, and the only thing missing is the dog! Well, there is no support for a light-gun, but that would be pretty ridiculous. Move the cursor around the screen, take careful aim, and fire! This game is not too difficult to play, so it is easy to jump into and master quickly. Quite a bit of fun for a while. |
Elements v1.0 [ASH] | By: Badja Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | Elements is a puzzle game in which you must guide yourself to the exit before you run out of energy. There are 7 boards with a total of 46 screens, containing one-way arrows, keys, bonuses, traps and various switches. |
Galaxian v3.1 [ASH] | By: Patrick Davidson Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | A long time ago, this site was maintained by only Derrick Ward and was called "The Galaxian and FrAWgGuts Page". This port was Sam's first programming venture into the TI world. A classic TI-85 shootem-up, Galaxian has become one of all-time favorite TI games on all calculators. Patrick Davidson describes the game: "The goal in this game is simple. You have a small ship and your goal is to destroy evil aliens without getting destroyed yourself. You can destroy them by firing dispruptor blasts at them. You can attempt to prevent your own destruction by moving out of the path of the enemy's shots." |
Gray82 [CrASH] | By: Ian Graf Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | The pretty cool grayscale library for the TI-82. It includes an easy-to-use grayscale interrupt, graysprite sprite routine, double buffering, and more. Offers perhaps the closest thing to flickerless grayscale on the TI-82. |
Jezzball v2.0 [CrASH] | By: Magnus Svedin Port: Andrew Von Dollen and Ahmed El-Helw |
![]() | Magnus' rendition of this classic Windows game is the best of all TI calculator versions. Jezzball is a game of strategy, skill, and timing. The goal is to draw lines to eventually fill up 3/4 of the screen without touching the bouncing balls. There are 8 levels with increasing difficulty because each level has one more bouncing ball than the last. The balls move at varying speeds so be wary! |
Labrynth v1.0 [ASH] | By: Badja Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | Labyrinth is a game in which you must find your way through 16 randomly-generated mazes. Each maze is rendered with a different graphical style, and there are two modes of play: maze and antimaze. Antimaze is like a maze in which you can only move on top of the walls (very painful to your mind). As the graphics change level by level, the challenge increases. |
LandMine v1.0 [CrASH] | By: Joe Wingbermuehle Port: Ahmed El-Helw |
![]() | Joe Wingbermuele's rendition of the Windows game, Minesweeper. Wouter's version in the Void's TI-82 archives is better because of its variable sized boards. |
Lotus Turbo Challenge v1.0 [CrASH] | By: Badja Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | Lotus Turbo Challenge is a fast-paced racing game presented from a second-person 3D perspective. You must complete each course while racing against the clock and avoiding opponent cars. There are six courses, each with different scenery and climatic effects. |
Mars Patrol v2.0 [CrASH] | By: Zombi Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | Guide your buggy to its destination by shooting aliens and UFO's, dodging their bombs, jumping over craters and mines, and blasting boulders away to clear the path. You must pass through checkpoints A to Z in order to finish the game. This smooth side-scroller incorperates a new method of emulating non-interrupt driven grayscale graphics. Very little noticeable flicker. |
Mega Man 82-ASM [CrASH] | By: Dave Jaklitsch Port: Mark May and Sam Heald |
![]() | The Blue Bomber is back! Only now he's an 8x8 black and white sprite. Mega Man is a side scrolling shooting game (think Mario with a gun). The object of each level is the make it all the way to the right side of the level. You will then pass through a short hall, then fight the robot master of that level. There are enemies and tricky jumps along the way, and you'll have to make sure you take the correct path when you have a choice. If you manage to kill the robot master at the end of the level, you'll receive his weapon. When you defeat Freshman, you receive the Top Secret Weapon in addition to his weapon. You'll quickly learn that different weapons do different amounts of damage to different enemies, and learning which weapon to use on which robot masters is the key to your success. After defeating all 8 robot masters, you will be allowed to go to TI's level, where you meet up with Titanic Iniquity himself. If you destroy his spaceship, he'll throw enemies at you in a final futile attempt to survive. Defeat him and you've beaten the game. There's a cool password system instead of saved games. |
Orbix v1.0 [CrASH] | By: Joe Wingbermuehle Port: Ahmed El-Helw |
![]() | Orbix is a game very similar to Othello. Orbix is a puzzle game where you try to fill up the screen with your pieces. However, you have an opponent (the calculator takes this role) that is trying to do the same. You can only place one of your pieces next to another one of your own pieces, or next to a calculator's piece if it, or another one of the calculator's pieces, is touching one of your pieces in the same direction. You can only move horizontally or vertically. You can only take empty spaces, however, if you jump one or more of the calculator's pieces, those will become your pieces. You always start the game taking the black pieces (the calculator uses the white pieces). If you or the calculator can not make a legal move, the other player must move until the game is over or a move becomes possible. This game features some of the best calculator AI of any game. Very challenging (or else I suck at this game). |
Orzunoid v7.0 [ASH] | By: Patrick Davidson Port and extra coding: Sam Heald |
![]() | Sam's very first venture into the TI world was to update Orzunoid v3.0 with more levels (at the time it only had 3 because Patrick Davidson had rushed the port). Orzunoid is based upon Arkanoid or Breakout, but to stereotype it as a clone is drastically unfair. The gameplay consists of moving the paddle to prevent the ball from hitting the bottom of the screen as well as to destroy all of the bricks in the level. Pretty boring description? To combat that dull gameplay, Orzunoid has a ton of arcade-like powerups that fall occasionally when a brick is destroyed. These include multi-ball, guard, brick-thru, lasers, catch, and more! New to v7.0 is external levels. So you can play the levels included in the game, ones available here, or you can make your own! If you make some please send them to Sam Heald so that others may enjoy them. |
OrzEdit v1.0 [ASH] | By: Patrick Davidson and Sam Heald |
![]() | This is the easy-to-use level editor for Orzunoid v7.0. The source code is included. |
Pac-Man '99 v0.5 [ASH] | By: Patrick Davidson Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | Everyone has played the classic arcade game of Pac-Man. Pac-Man moves about the large scrolling levels eating power pellets and getting chased by ghosts. If Pac-Man eats one of the larger pellets, then he can eat the ghosts, too. In this rendition, there are 8 vertically scrolling levels. There are 3 or 4 ghosts depending on the difficulty that you choose. |
Picross v1.3 [ASH] | By: Andreas Ess Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | Picross is a puzzler game originally found on the Nintendo Gameboy. Your goal is to draw an image according to numbers. This may sound simple, but with images getting harder and time getting shorter, you'll soon see that this game isn't easy at all... |
PlainJump v1.4 [ASH] | By: Andreas Ess Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | The goal is very simple. Steer your ball over a three-dimensional plane with a lot of holes! This game is a port of the Usgard version of the same name. This version has external level support with an easy-to-use external level editor (source code included). You may have as many levels as you wish, and they only take up 272 bytes each! You can play the level included in the game, ones availible here, or you can make your own! If you make some please send them to Sam Heald so that others may enjoy them. |
SpaceWar v1.0 [CrASH] | By: Joe Wingbermuehle Port: Ahmed El-Helw |
![]() | The object of SpaceWar is to defeat the flying saucers. The flying saucers cannot shoot you, but they will kill you if you run into them or they run into you. Also, they can leave behind bombs that will kill you when they blow up if you are too close! After defeating all the flying saucers in a level you move on to the next level. Each level has 1 more flying saucer then the previous. There are 15 levels total. |
Spaze Invaders v1.5 [ASH] | By: Hannes Edfeldt Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | Another space game shootem-up, similar to Galaxian. This game, like so many TI games, is based on an old coin-op arcade game. After the cool intro, you are greeted with fast gameplay that combines strategy with arcade-like reflexes. You can duck behind the guards, but the aliens can shoot through them eventually. The bosses in this game are very cool. |
Squarez v1.3 [ASH] [CrASH] | By: Jimmy Mårdell Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | Squarez can best be described at Tetris with 3x3 pieces. The object is to make 3x3 squares (hence the name) or any polygon with at least those dimensions (the larger it is, the more points you get). When you make the polygons, the pieces disappear (a la Tetris). This makes Squarez rather interesting, and the program size is quite small. |
Wak-A-Goomba v2.2 [ASH] | By: Kurt Tucker Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | This is a TI rendition of that mallot game Wak-A-Mole. The Goombas (from Mario) appear randomly in 1 of 9 slots (corresponding to 1-9 on the keypad). Your goal is to smack down as many as possible before the time runs out. Pretty mindless overall. |
Wormy v1.0 [CrASH] | By: James Rubingh and Scott Noveck Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | A Nibbles-clone with trigonometric movement based upon an 86 version called PeaWorm by Mathew Shepcar (although no code was shared except for the trig routines). |
Yoshi v1.0 [ASH] | By: Brandon Sterner and Tim Anderson Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | Yoshi was originally a NES and gameboy game. The object of the game is much like tetris - don't let your screen fill up. How you play the game is much different though. Two of six possible characters fall at the same time from the right of the screen to the left. When both come to a complete stop, two more will fall. If there is a piece to the left, the piece falling will stop. If these pieces stack up enough you will see "GAME OVER." There is an arrow along the left side of the screen that can move up and down when the arrow keys are pressed. This arrow points to two stacks of characters. When 2nd is pressed the location of these two stacks will be swapped. To make pieces disappear you must do one of two things: match a character with one to its right or left, or you may make an egg. To make an egg there needs to be an eggshell shaped piece looking like this: < . Any amount of other characters may be placed to the right of this. You must then put an eggshell shape piece looking like this: > , on the right side of the stack. Anything between the <> eggshells disappears and gives you an extra 10 points, then the < and > disappear and give you sixty points. This game gets faster and faster. |
Zkart v1.2 [ASH] | By: Patrick Davidson Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | This is your standard 2-D race game that you've seen in BASIC many times. The walls slowly shrink and you can choose your game speed, but all in all, there's not much new here. |
Zkart 3-D v1.2 [ASH] | By: Patrick Davidson Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | This is very similar to the original Zkart game, but there is now a pseudo-3D perspective. However, if you want a quality racing game, I highly recommend Lotus Turbo Challenge instead. |
Ztetris [ASH] | By: Jimmy Mårdell Port: Sam Heald |
![]() | This is the game that made Jimmy Mårdell a calculator programming god (and perhaps helped Sam and Ahmed's stature quite a bit too). This is your classic Tetris game. It plays exactly like the Gameboy version. There are multiple levels (each with different speed and background), graphical background patterns, trashlines, a drop key, and even linkplay! In case you haven't played Tetris before (lol!), the game requires you to make lines by arranging and dropping randomly selected pieces. When you make a line, the line clears. The more lines you make at one time, the more points you get. Every 10 lines makes a new level. Greatest linkplay game ever!!! |